• 1Binding the Keyboard and Mouse
  • 3Keyboard/Mouse Binding Commands
    • 3.1Keyboard

Binding the Keyboard and Mouse[edit]

Bind 3 “slot3; clcrosshairsize 3” bind 4 “slot8; clcrosshairsize 1000” these are CS:GO nade binds. They stretch the size of the crosshair when you’re using grenades. Don’t pass by the list of crosshair csgo commands that you really might need during the game. Bind q “use weaponknife; slot1” - this is CS:GO quickswitch bind. — Read Me — Here's another quick tip for you all. This one is on how to bind your grenades in game for much more efficient use. I bind both my mouse4 and mouse5 buttons but you can bind. This bind needs to be placed in your autoexec, or used each time you reopen CS:GO. This bind will cause you to jump and throw the grenade you are currently holding - useful for smokes that require a lineup. You need to hold down left click (causing your character to pull out the pin) on the grenade and then press your bind key. I need a command that will bind mouse 3 to switch to the knife slot and inspect, so when you switch to the knife it automatically inspects. I have a command using aliases which means I hold down mouse 3 to bring out the knife, and if possible I would keep that and have inspect. So when I hold down mouse 3, it brings out the knife for as long as I'm holding it, AND inspects it.

The Keyboard and Mouse can be bound using three different methods:

  1. In-Game under Help & Options > Keyboard/Mouse.
  2. By toggling the Console and manually entering cvars and commands.
  3. By editing the config.cfg file within the game's file directory.

In-Game binding[edit]

Under Help & Options > Keyboard/Mouse, the in-game actions commands can be bound to the keyboard and mouse simply by scrolling to an action, clicking on it or pressing Enter, and pressing a key or mouse button to assign it to the selected action. It is the easiest and most user-friendliest way to bound the keyboard and mouse, but it is also provides the least binding possibilities. However, all players should have a basic understanding of this menu because it provides information as to what is possible while playing the game.

Cs Go Bind Slot 3

Console binding[edit]


Console binding is the more advanced method to bind the keyboard and mouse. By toggling the console, the user can manually enter the cvarbind followed by a keyboard/mouse command inside quotations, the in-game action command inside quotations, and then pressing Enter.

Cs Go Bind Slot 3Cs go bind slot 3d
  • Example:
bind 'mouse1' '+attack' (the default to fire a weapon.)
bind 'w' '+forward' (the default to move forward.)

Desktop binding[edit]

In order to bind the keyboard and mouse from the Desktop, the config.cfg must be edited from the game's file directory.

  • Navigate to SteamuserdataYOUR Steam3ID HERE730localcfg.
  • Open the config.cfg file within that directory.
  • Edit the existing bindings or manually enter in new bindings with the same method used when binding inside the Console.
  • Note that config.cfg might have to be opened in Notepad or any simple text editor.

Binding Keyboard Diagram[edit]

Keyboard/Mouse Binding Commands[edit]

In the Console or inside the config.cfg file type in bind'key / button' 'in-game action' in order to make a custom binding. The following is a list of every possible binding on a standard US layout 104-key keyboard and common 5-button scroll wheel mouse.

Example: bind'UPARROW''+forward'


  • '0'
  • '1'
  • '2'
  • '3'
  • '4'
  • '5'
  • '6'
  • '7'
  • '8'
  • '9'
  • 'a'
  • 'b'
  • 'c'
  • 'd'
  • 'e'
  • 'f'
  • 'g'
  • 'h'
  • 'i'
  • 'j'
  • 'k'
  • 'l'
  • 'n'
  • 'o'
  • 'p'
  • 'q'
  • 'r'
  • 's'
  • 't'
  • 'u'
  • 'v'
  • 'w'
  • 'x'
  • 'y'
  • 'z'
  • '['
  • ']'
  • ''
  • '`'
  • '-'
  • '='
  • ','
  • '.'
  • '/'
  • '
  • 'ESCAPE'
  • 'TAB'
  • 'SHIFT'
  • 'RSHIFT'
  • 'CTRL'
  • 'RCRTL'
  • 'ALT'
  • 'RALT'
  • 'SPACE'
  • 'NUMLOCK' (Keypad Numlock. Interestingly, also binds to the Pause/Break key as well.)
  • 'PAUSE'
  • 'INS' (Insert)
  • 'DEL'
  • 'HOME'
  • 'END'
  • 'PGUP'
  • 'PGDN'
  • 'KP_INS' (Keypad 0 / Insert)
  • 'KP_END' (Keypad 1 / End)
  • 'KP_DOWNARROW' (Keypad 2 / Down Arrow)
  • 'KP_PGDN' (Keypad 3 / Page Down)
  • 'KP_LEFTARROW' (Keypad 4 / Left Arrow)
  • 'KP_5' (Keypad 5)
  • 'KP_RIGHTARROW' (Keypad 6 / Right Arrow)
  • 'KP_HOME' (Keypad 7 / Home)
  • 'KP_UPARROW' (Keypad 8 / Up Arrow)
  • 'KP_PGUP' (Keypad 9 / Page Up)
  • 'KP_SLASH' (Keypad /)
  • 'KP_MULTIPLY' (Keypad *)
  • 'KP_MINUS' (Keypad -)
  • 'KP_PLUS' (Keypad +)
  • 'KP_ENTER' (Keypad Enter)
  • 'KP_DEL' (Keypad . / Delete)
  • 'F1'
  • 'F2'
  • 'F3'
  • 'F4'
  • 'F5'
  • 'F6'
  • 'F7'
  • 'F8'
  • 'F9'
  • 'F10'
  • 'F11'
  • 'F12'


In the Linux version (tested on Arch Linux) the Enter key on the numpad triggers 'ENTER', not 'KP_ENTER'.


  • 'MOUSE1' (Right click)
  • 'MOUSE2' (Left click)
  • 'MOUSE3' (Mouse Wheel click)
  • 'MOUSE4' (Forward thumb button)
  • 'MOUSE5' (Backward thumb button)
  • 'MWHEELUP' (Scroll wheel up)
  • 'MWHEELDOWN' (Scroll wheel down)

In-Game Action Commands[edit]

In the Console or inside the config.cfg file type in bind'key / button' 'in-game action' in order to make a custom binding. The following is a list of every possible in-game action for CS:GO.

Example: bind 'mouse1''+attack'
  • '+attack'
  • '+attack2'
  • List is still being completed

Default Bindings[edit]

CSGO default bindings

  • bind '0' = 'slot10'
  • bind '1' = 'slot1'
  • bind '2' = 'slot2'
  • bind '3' = 'slot3'
  • bind '4' = 'slot4'
  • bind '5' = 'slot5'
  • bind '6' = 'slot6'
  • bind '7' = 'slot7'
  • bind '8' = 'slot8'
  • bind '9' = 'slot9'
  • bind 'a' = '+moveleft'
  • bind 'b' = 'buymenu'
  • bind 'd' = '+moveright'
  • bind *'e' = '+use'
  • bind 'f' = '+lookatweapon'
  • bind 'g' = 'drop'
  • bind 'i' = 'show_loadout_toggle'
  • bind 'k' = '+voicerecord'
  • bind 'm' = 'teammenu'
  • bind 'q' = 'lastinv'
  • bind 'r' = '+reload'
  • bind 's' = '+back'
  • bind 't' = '+spray_menu'
  • bind 'u' = 'messagemode2'
  • bind 'w' = '+forward'
  • bind 'x' = 'slot12'
  • bind 'y' = 'messagemode'
  • bind 'z' = 'radio'
  • bind '`' = 'toggleconsole'
  • bind ',' = 'buyammo1'
  • bind'.' = 'buyammo2'
  • bind 'SPACE' = '+jump'
  • bind 'TAB' = '+showscores'
  • bind 'ESCAPE' = 'cancelselect'
  • bind 'DEL' = 'mute'
  • bind 'PAUSE' = 'pause'
  • bind 'SHIFT' = '+speed'
  • bind 'CTRL' = '+duck'
  • bind 'F3' = 'autobuy'
  • bind 'F4' = 'rebuy'
  • bind 'F5' = 'jpeg'
  • bind 'F6' = 'save quick'
  • bind 'F7' = 'load quick'
  • bind 'F10' = 'quit prompt'
  • bind 'MOUSE1' = '+attack'
  • bind 'MOUSE2' = '+attack2'
  • bind 'MOUSE3' = 'player_ping'
  • bind 'MWHEELUP' = 'invprev'
  • bind 'MWHEELDOWN' = 'invnext'

Cs Go Bind Slot 360

Counter-Strike 1.6 default bindings

  • bind 'TAB' '+showscores'
  • bind 'ENTER' '+attack'
  • bind 'ESCAPE' 'cancelselect'
  • bind 'SPACE' '+jump'
  • bind '' '+moveup'
  • bind '+' 'sizeup'
  • bind ',' 'buyammo1'
  • bind '-' 'sizedown'
  • bind '.' 'buyammo2'
  • bind '/' '+movedown'
  • bind '0' 'slot10'
  • bind '1' 'slot1'
  • bind '2' 'slot2'
  • bind '3' 'slot3'
  • bind '4' 'slot4'
  • bind '5' 'slot5'
  • bind '6' 'slot6'
  • bind '7' 'slot7'
  • bind '8' 'slot8'
  • bind '9' 'slot9'
  • bind ';' '+mlook'
  • bind '=' 'sizeup'
  • bind '[' 'invprev'
  • bind ']' 'invnext'
  • bind '`' 'toggleconsole'
  • bind 'a' '+moveleft'
  • bind 'b' 'buy'
  • bind 'c' 'radio3'
  • bind 'd' '+moveright'
  • bind 'e' '+use'
  • bind 'f' '+voicerecord'
  • bind 'g' 'drop'
  • bind 'h' '+commandmenu'
  • bind 'i' 'showbriefing'
  • bind 'k' '+voicerecord'
  • bind 'n' 'nightvision'
  • bind 'o' 'buyequip'
  • bind 'q' 'lastinv'
  • bind 'r' '+reload'
  • bind 's' '+back'
  • bind 't' 'messagemode2'
  • bind 'u' 'messagemode2'
  • bind 'w' '+forward'
  • bind 'x' 'radio2'
  • bind 'y' 'messagemode'
  • bind 'z' 'radio1'
  • bind '~' 'toggleconsole'
  • bind 'UPARROW' '+forward'
  • bind 'DOWNARROW' '+back'
  • bind 'LEFTARROW' '+left'
  • bind 'RIGHTARROW' '+right'
  • bind 'ALT' '+strafe'
  • bind 'CTRL' '+duck'
  • bind 'SHIFT' '+speed'
  • bind 'F1' 'autobuy'
  • bind 'F2' 'rebuy'
  • bind 'F3' 'chooseteam'
  • bind 'F5' 'snapshot'
  • bind 'F10' 'quit prompt'
  • bind 'INS' '+klook'
  • bind 'PGDN' '+lookdown'
  • bind 'PGUP' '+lookup'
  • bind 'END' 'force_centerview'
  • bind 'MWHEELDOWN' '+jump'
  • bind 'MWHEELUP' 'invprev'
  • bind 'MOUSE1' '+attack'
  • bind 'MOUSE2' '+attack2'
  • bind 'PAUSE' 'pause'

Advanced Bindings[edit]

example: give_weapon commands

say commands



Cs Go Bind Slot 3.5


binding certain cvars


Perhaps make a separate page for just 'Buy Scripts'? Listing the commands for all the weapons/gear.

This section still being completed.

Cs Go Bind Slot 3.0

External Links[edit]

Cs Go Bind Slot 3d
