Online, free poker hand range calculator for everyone. The odds are instantly calculated and displayed as a card is added to the table or the dead card grid. Great tool for improving Texas Hold’em strategy.

Useful information regarding Poker Hand Range Calculator

What is range in Poker?

Poker Calculator Flop Turn River
  • Here's a really simple trick. So there are 13 diamonds in the deck, let's say two are in your hand, and the flop comes down and there are two diamonds on the board. So now there are 9 diamonds left. So you have 9 outs on the flop. The odds one of the 9 diamonds comes on the turn is 92=18%. The odds it comes on the turn or river is 94=36%.
  • The total number of turn and river combos is 1081 which is calculated as follows: (47 x 46 / 2 x 1) = (2162 / 2) ≈ 1081. Now you take the 380 possible ways to make it and divide by the 1081 total possible outcomes.

A range is a combination of hands a player might have at a given time. Thinking about what players have in the form of a range is valuable because it allows you to think about all of the possibilities of a hand. Experts say that once you understand the idea behind poker range you will soon forget the way of thinking earlier. Thanks to our calculator developed by Forest Turner now you can easily learn flop textures and how ranges split up on boards, how equities shift on turn and river cards.

The Best Poker Hands Calculator. You can use this calculator while playing or reviewing past hands to work out the odds of you winning or losing. Have fun letting your friends know that they made a less than optimal move against you in a home game. Or prove that you made the right play based on the odds shown in the 888poker Poker Calculator.

What you can see with our Poker Hand Range calculator?


The Poker Hand Range Calculator instantly show equities, combination counts, and hand value breakdowns. Use the reset buttons to start over the calculation. First, we start with a preflop range. Get started by selecting a preflop range for the scenario you are analyzing.

What is the highest hand and hands order in poker?

You can see the hands order below starting with the highest ending with the lowest:

• RoyalFlush: 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace all in the same suit.

• StraightFlush: Five cards in a row, all in the same suit.

• Four of aKind: The same card in each of the four suits.

• FullHouse: A pair plus three of a kind in the same hand.

Poker Flop Turn River Odds

• Flush:Five cards, all in one suit but no numerical order (4, 9, 10, King, Ace in onesuit).

• Straight:Five cards in numerical order, but no same suit (4, 5, 6, 7, 8 with differentsuit).

Poker Calculator Flop Turn River Poker

• Three ofa Kind: Three of one card (3 Queens).

• Two Pair:Two different pairings of the same card in one hand (two Aces and two Jacks forexample).

• One Pair: Two cards of the same card (twoAces for example).

• High Card: If you have nothing the highest card plays.

Poker Calculator Flop Turn River Water

The order in which Texas Hold’em is dealt is very specific and, assuming you’re playing with a table full of lucid, honest people, never changes. First, you are dealt two hole cards. Then comes the flop, turn and river cards.

The flop

After a round of betting for the hole cards, a card is burned off the top of the deck (meaning discarded without being looked at — this is done in case the top card had somehow been exposed or marked), and three cards are dealt face-up to the center of the table. This is known as the flop and is the start of the community cards on the table — those cards that everyone may incorporate in his hand.

Everyone who has not folded now has a five-card hand — two hole cards combined with the three community cards. A round of betting takes place.

The turn

After the flop betting round, another card is burned from the deck and a fourth community card is exposed. This card is known as the turn (sometimes fourth street).

All players still in the hand now have six cards to choose from to make their best five-card Poker hands. There is another round of betting and one more card yet to be exposed.

The river

A card is burned and the most infamous of community cards, the river (sometimes called fifth street) is dealt. All remaining players have seven cards for selecting their best five-card Poker hand (their two hole cards combined with the five community cards). A round of betting takes place, and the best five-card hand at the table is the winner.

To determine their five-card hand, players may use zero, one, or both of their hole cards in combination with five, four, or three community cards, respectively.

Preflop Flop Turn River

Poker Calculator Flop Turn River

Because a player is required to use at least three community cards to make a hand, there can be no flushes if there are not three cards of the same suit (multiple suits with no flush possibilities based on the current exposed community cards is known as a rainbow). Nor can there be a straight if there aren’t three cards from a five-card sequence (for example, 5-8-9).

Here, George is playing the board and has a king-high heart flush. John is using one hole card for an ace-high flush, but Ringo is the big winner using both hole cards for a straight flush.