Slot Array Design

Slot Array Design Software
This is the first comprehensive treatment of slotted waveguide array antennas from an engineering perspective. It provides readers with a thorough foundation in applicable theories as well as hands-on instruction for practical analysis and design of important types of waveguide slot arrays.' Slotted Waveguide Array Antennas' goes beyond some of the commonly discussed topics and ventures into. The aim is to design and simulate a Slot Waveguide Array Antenna (SWAA) for satellite communications, which will operate in the 29.5-31 GHz band. The power coefficients will be separable in such a way that the use of linear current distributions to independently generate the. A New Method for the Design of Slot Antenna Arrays: Theory and Experiment Sebastien Clauzier1, Said M. Mikki2, Atif Shamim3, and Yahia M. Antar1, 1Royal Military College of Canada, Electrical and Computer EngineeringDepartment, Station Forces, Kingston, ON, Canada. The design is based on the use of a feed network that is a planar array of transverse slots in rectangular waveguide. These slots are transformed in low profile horns (with less than 0.6 λ 0 height), which are specially designed by making use of a couple of chips, to have more directivity and increase the aperture efficiency of the antenna.